Monday, December 20, 2010

Live Life to the Fullest

The holidays for many is usually a time full of joy and happiness and an opportunity to spend time with loved ones. It is also very important to remind friends and family how much you love and care for them because life is too short. 
Yesterday afternoon my grandmother called us and gave us the bad news that her neighbor and our long time friend of the family died of a massive heart attack Sunday morning. It is very saddening and I cannot comprehend that she is no longer with us. She had no known heath problems so this was shocking for all of us. 

My mom always told my sister and I to make the most of your life and live everyday to its fullest and I never really thought much about what she said until now. I have made a promise to myself that I will not take life for granted and let everyone I love and care about how much I appreciate them in my life. 

This holiday season make sure you remind your friends and family how much you love them and appreciate them in your life. Because you never know when their or your time will come.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Kafer family during the holiday season.

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